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AT&T DECT 6.0 Black/Silver Digital 3-Handset Answering System (CL82309) Review

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ATandT DECT 6.0 Black/Silver Digital 3-Handset Answering System (CL82309)
Average Reviews:

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Amazon is presenting this as the "newer model" of the the AT&T SL82318 DECT 6.0 phone. It has most of the same features -- high quality, clear, crisp sound, very good range, clear display, reasonably simple number storage and auto-dial -- but it does NOT have a jack for a headset, which the earlier model did. So if that feature is important to you, this is not the phone you want. (And no, the old model handset is not interchangeable with the new ones. It would be great if AT&T offered a compatible single-phone expansion set for this series with a headset jack.) Another minor annoyance is that although the phone hangs up when you put it in the charging cradle, it does not automatically turn on if it's ringing and you remove it from the cradle; you have to push a button. But overall a very good phone.

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AT&T DECT 6.0 Digital Three Handset Answering System

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