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Onkyo M-282 2-Channel Power Amplifier Review

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Onkyo M-282 2-Channel Power Amplifier
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I was looking for a "cheap" amp to drive my 2nd zone "background" music speakers. My price point was around $200 and this unit has a good look to it, so it would fit in next to my more "up scale" B&K separates.
The Good:
It came double boxed and packed well, (always a good sign).
It has a hi-end look to it, (good fit and finish).
The sound is clear and clean, no hum, or hiss (from the speakers, see the bad)
It makes you understand why you spent 10 times as much for your main amp.
The Bad:
The thing is a space heater even when in "stand by" mode the heat is coming from the inexpensive power transformer.
The two tone LED is red when in "stand by" and a cheap orange when "on" I guess green or blue would be better for "on" for me.
I found that when I turned everything "off" to go to bed the transformer has a 60Hz hum to it that can be heard if you are standing a few feet away.
It seems like a good amp, and if I compare it to the price I paid for my B&K amp it is a good value. Time will tell if the "budget" components will hold up over time. Because of the heat and hum from the transformer I would suggest not using this unit as part of your main music or surround system. I was going to give it 4 stars for looks and features but the heat and hum drag it down to an average 3.

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Ideal for quality stereo listening, for expanding your surround system from 5.1 to 6.1 or 7.1 channels to deliver the latest home theater surround formats, and for multiroom setups, Onkyo's M-282 stereo power amplifier makes a powerful and affordable system upgrade. The amp uses Onkyo's exclusive Wide Range Amplifier Technology and pumps 2 x 100 watts per channel RMS into 8 ohm speakers and 2 x 125 wpc into 6 ohms. (For dynamic power handling, you're looking at 2 x 140 watts into 8 ohms, 2 x 125 watts into 6 ohms.)If you're going for an upgrade from 5.1 to 7.1, make sure your 5.1 surround receiver has preamplifier outputs for 7.1 channels. The M-282 only amplifies a line-level signal; it does not include surround processing or a volume control like a traditional preamplifier or an integrated amplifier/surround receiver.You can rig the amp to power up when it senses an audio signal or through the use of a 12-volt trigger (standard to automation systems). The receiver also features audio passthrough jacks in case you want to daisy-chain several like components through several rooms for multi-room distribution of your primary listening source.The receiver uses Onkyo's Wide Range Amplifier Technology (WRAT), which ensures signal accuracy even with high-resolution sources such as DVD-Audio and SACD. According to Onkyo, WRAT eliminates the adverse effects of counter-electromotive force by applying an unusually low amount of NFB (negative feedback), constructing the amp with carefully selected, high-tolerance, wide-range parts in all critical sections, and using innovative circuit topology based on the company's decades of experience building high-end amplifiers. The result? A flat response beyond 100 kHz.Rear-panel connections and controls consist of a ground (use only if the system exhibits an audible hum), an input-level adjustment, 1 each stereo analog (left/right) RCA audio input and passthrough/output, a trigger setting (audio, 12-volt, off), a 12-volt trigger input jack, left/right speaker outputs with banana-plug-friendly binding-post speaker terminals, and a grounded AC power terminal.What's in the Box Power amplifier, an AC power cord, and a user's manual.

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