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Sony SRSBT100 Bluetooth Stereo Speakers Review

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Sony SRSBT100 Bluetooth Stereo Speakers
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About a week in and this speaker is exactly what I was looking for. And here is what I was looking for:
Both my wife and I have LG enV2 phones, which have an MP3 player, small onboard speakers, a 2.5mm jack (smaller, non-standard size), and support bluetooth stereo. We love to flip it open and have on-the-fly, decent sounding music through the onboard speakers (tinny sound, but loud). We also share a pair of Motorola Rokr S9 bluetooth headphones that we wear on the go, to work out, run, etc. and we love that as well.
So the last thing we needed to run our entire world of music from our phones was a bluetooth speaker to station in our living room for better open-air sound than the phone's onboard speakers.
Well, this is it! Pairing the speaker to the phones was perfectly straightforward, as is connecting for each use. You can either turn the speaker on each use and it just finds the phone and is ready to go, or you can leave the speaker on all the time and connect/drop with the phones. We do the latter for two reasons: 1) When you turn on the speaker and both our phones are around, it's random which phone it connects to (an issue with our diverging musical tastes!) and 2) We have it tucked away on a hard-to-get-to shelf.
Aesthetically speaking, it's very sleak-looking, not too big (or small I guess -- looks high-end, very Bose-like). The sound is strong considering it's bluetooth. Bass hangs in there, though it didn't blow me away. It certainly destroys the tinny sound of the enV2's onboard speakers. The sound fills the room rather than the "blaring from the counter" effect, just the difference we were hoping for.
I found it just a little pricey, but because it was the missing link for us to do all our music off of our phones I never thought twice. So all that said, for our situation, it's a clear 5 stars.
As for other reviews I'm reading, I don't doubt them. We have no other bluetooth devices around to get crossed with this, but I've heard plenty of stories about ANY two bluetooth devices in close proximity not playing nice.
Also, I wouldn't bother with this product if I was going to use it for any stationary music source, like a reciever or computer, unless I was really desperate to get it across the room without a cord. The bit I read about walls impeding the connection is true -- same for us but not an issue, we just leave the phone sitting in the same room. But in the future we might double it's use: it does come with a corded input and might make a nice center channel if we took this room in that direction. Or it might be a decent upgrade in sound over our TV's onboard speakers and I may try that. The corded input was smart, you never know what you might do with it. As another reviewer with bluetooth contention issues noted, it could salvage it if you give up on the bluetooth.
If I had to pick on it, I would say it might be nice to be able to run it off batteries. While for now we keep it stationary, the cordless nature of it would make it perfect to pick up off the shelf and take anywhere, but, you'll always need an outlet. It would also be nice if the left/right speakers were separate and I could split them into separate corners of the room. But of course then you'd need the phone to talk to both speakers, or to one speaker and then that speaker to stream to the other, which would then present timing issues. Bluetooth just isn't there yet.
So, I'd recommend highly if your situation is similar. But think it through if you have more constraints, you may want to let bluetooth mature some more.

Click Here to see more reviews about: Sony SRSBT100 Bluetooth Stereo Speakers

Enjoy listening to music wirelessly with other Bluetooth audio device at home. Built in high-power amplifier reproduces powerful sound. Can control volume wirelessly from BT device which has AVRCP(Vol+/-) capability. 1 analog input to connect non BT device.

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